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Matthew Chapter One

By Richard Gunther


1: 1-17 The family tree.


   We can trace the family tree, to which Jesus Christ belongs, right back to king David, and then back even further to Abraham. This means that Jesus is legally a son of David, and therefore a royal prince, and also one of the many descendants of Abraham.


   Briefly, here is how the links between Abraham, David and his mother are joined : Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Judah, Perez (and Zerah through Tamar the harlot), Hezron, Ram, Amminidab, Nahshon, Salmon, Boaz (through Rahab the harlot), Obed (through Ruth the Gentile), Jesse and then David the king.


   David, Solomon (through Bathsheba the adulteress), Rehoboam, Abijah, Asa, Jehoshaphat, Joram, Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, Hezekiah, Manasseh, Amon, Josiah, Jeconiah (whose royal line was cursed - Jer. 22:30), Shealtiel, Zerubbabel, Abiud, Eliakim, Azor, Zadok, Achim, Eliud, Eleazar, Matthan, Jacob, and finally Joseph, Mary's husband and the natural birth-mother of Jesus.


   The generations of Jesus' family tree are divided into three sets of fourteen, which match three important periods in Israel's history. From the call of Abraham to the call of David. From the building of the Temple to its destruction, and from the time when the kingdom of Judah was under Babylon's rule to today, when it is under the rule of Rome.



1:18-25 Jesus is born.


   These are the facts surrounding the birth of Jesus. Joseph and Mary were betrothed (engaged) but they had not lived or slept together because they were both godly people. However, to Mary's surprise, she found that she was pregnant! This amazing event was brought about by God through the Holy Spirit, but at that stage she didn't know this.


   When Joseph found out that his fiancee was pregnant he thought she must have committed adultery, and he knew that if the locals found out they would want to punish her - even stone her to death - so he decided to call off the engagement. He didn't want the shame of being involved with such an immoral woman either, so he started to make arrangements to call off the engagement.


   Joseph was really upset by the way his proposed marriage was going, but God sent an angel to explain to Joseph what was going happening.


   "Joseph" said the angel, "Don't be afraid to marry Mary. She is pregnant because God has worked a miracle inside her. Go through with the marriage and trust God for what happens."


   "Furthermore, Mary will have a baby, and it will be a son, whom you will name Jesus. The name means "saviour" because through this child, God will make it possible for all His people the Israelites to be saved from their sins."


   (There is a 700 year old prophecy in the Old Testament about this -in Isaiah 7:14 : "Look at this remarkable event! A virgin shall have a child, and it will a male, and God will call this child Immanuel, which means "Jehovah is with us."")


   When the angel finished speaking, Joseph woke up, and realised that he had been asleep, but he knew that he had had far more than a dream. He was inspired! With great courage he went to Mary and told her he was determined to marry her, in spite of how bad things looked. He was now prepared to go through the predictable shame and insults because now he knew that God was in control.


   So from then on Joseph stayed faithful to Mary, right up until her baby was born, and then, in obedience to God, he named the baby Jesus.   

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