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Matthew Chapter Twenty Four

By Richard Gunther


24:1,2   The Temple to be destroyed


   Jesus finished his tirade against the Jewish leaders. In the stunned silence he walked from the Temple courts and out into the street. His disciples followed him, disturbed and puzzled.


   As they walked along the side of the Temple, some of the disciples made comments about its size and beauty. They found it hard to believe that such an enduring structure should ever be pulled down. (It was quite a sight, with colonnades, and halls, and wings, and decorations, and beautiful stones set into the floor and walls, and many gifts added here and there for decoration.)


   But Jesus had no time for this.


   "You see all these things?" he asked, "It is a grand building, and well built, but soon it will be a heap of rubble. Not one stone will be left set on top of another!"



24:3-14   Signs of the end of the Age


   A little later, when Jesus was resting by himself, the disciples came to him to ask him some questions. They were beginning to realise that the future wasn't as simple as they had at first thought it would be. Their original understanding was that the Messiah would come, the kingdom would be inaugurated, the Jewish nation would accept its king, the dead would be raised, and the believers would begin to rule, along with the resurrected prophets and other great people of faith.


   But now the disciples were wondering . . . Jesus was obviously not about to be crowned king, and the city, which they thought he was about to begin his rule in, was (apparently) about to be pulled down. Everything was going wrong, and now Jesus was predicting his own death! What did it all mean?


   "Tell us" said the disciples, "When will all these terrible things happen, (meaning, when will the Temple and the city be destroyed), and what will happen at the end of the Age?"


   "Many events are still to come" said Jesus, "And many years are still to pass before everything is wound up. This present Age will not finish tomorrow, or the day after, so don't be fooled into thinking it has come. You have a long wait ahead of you.


   "Before Jerusalem falls, there will be many who will come along, using My Name as their credential - trading on it for support - but they will not be my followers. Just as the Pharisees use the Old Testament Law and their traditions to back their claims to be men of God, these fake Christians will use My Name to get people to believe them.


   "As the years pass you will hear of wars, and news of war will come through from different parts of the world. This is how it has always been, so don't think of it as particularly significant.


   "There will be large wars, and small wars, and the occasional famine, and the odd earthquake, and now and then Nature will produce a plague or two, but none of these things will have anything to do with the end of the Age. Don't go looking at them as omens, or indicators of my coming.


   "Also, though it saddens me to have to tell you this, there will be a general persecution of Christians through the passing years. Everywhere Christians go, people will attack them, verbally and physically. In some countries Christians will be tortured, and killed, while in other countries they will be tolerated, or treated with contempt. It will not be an easy thing to live the fully committed Christian life, because it goes against the grain of most people's thinking.


   "Added to this there will be people who will call themselves Christians - counterfeit followers - who will try to start their own little branch of the Church. (i.e. Mormons - called the Church of the Latter Day Saints, JW's, Exclusive Brethren, Christian Science, the Armstrong group called The Worldwide Church of God, Christian Spiritual Alliance, Church of Armageddon, Church of the Living Word, Family of Love, Findhorn Foundation University of Light, Forever Family, Inner Peace Movement, International Community of Christ, The Unification Church - the Moonies, Spiritual Frontiers Fellowship, Spiritualists, Theosophy, Urantia, The Way International, and many others.)


   "But let me remind you that if you are a true Christian, and if you stay  firmly obedient to me, you will eventually arrive safe and sound in my kingdom. Even if you are persecuted, or tortured, or rejected, or abused, or killed for my Name, you will not miss out on your place there.


   "And while the years pass, and all these things are happening, the gospel of the kingdom will be going out. It will reach into every country in the Roman Empire, as a witness to all the people and languages caught under the Roman yoke. And about the time the gospel has reached into all these countries, the destruction of Jerusalem will occur."


   (When Jesus said the gospel would be preached in "all the world" he meant the Roman world. Greek - "world" = oikoumene = habitable world, earth, or land. Luke 2:1 - Caesar Augustus decreed that "all the world should be taxed" i.e. all the dominions of Rome. Acts 11:28 - the "great famine" was to strike "throughout all the world". Acts 17:6 - the Christians were accused of turning "he world upside down" (Also see Acts 17:31, 19:27, 24:5.) Rom.10:18 states that in the days of Israel the voice of the prophets "went into all the earth, and their words unto the ends of the world". Paul states in Col.1:6 that the gospel has gone into "all the world (Greek = 'cosmos' = the world as created, ordered and arranged).



24:15-28   The fall of Jerusalem AD 70


   "Therefore" said Jesus, "When the Christians who are living in and around Jerusalem at the time, see the "desolator" predicted by Daniel, that will be the big sign to them that the destruction of Jerusalem is about to happen. You can find this prediction in Daniel 9:24-27.


   (Historically, the sequence went like this. In 66 AD Cestius Paulus was sent by Caesar to surround Jerusalem, as a warning to the Jews, because their political restlessness was annoying Rome. The Jews were subdued somewhat, but in 68 AD Vespasian had to again surround Jerusalem with armies. The Jews remained unwilling to comply, so Vespasian's son Titus (General Titus) was sent to lay siege to the city in 70 AD.


   (The warning which Jesus gave was heeded by many. After the first surrounding of the city, the Christians recognised this as the signal to leave. Soon the Zealots (fanatical Jews) seized the Temple and City, and guarded the gates to prevent people from leaving.


   (Eusebius says : "But the members of the Church in Jerusalem, having been commanded before the war in a certain oracle given by revelation to the men of repute there, to depart from Jerusalem, and to inhabit a certain city of Perea called Pella, all the believers in Christ in Jerusalem went thither, and when now the saints had abandoned both the royal metropolis itself and the whole land of Judea, the vengeance of God finally overtook the lawless persecutors of Christ and His Apostles."


   (The SIGN of the armies compassing Jerusalem was fulfilled - see Luke 21:20 - and the "desolator" (King James says "abomination of desolation") arrived - the Roman desecration, which desolated the Temple and City. Daniel predicted that the City would be desolated, and that it would continue that way from a time soon after the crucifixion until a consummation, or finishing period. Jesus confirmed this prediction - Luke 21:24. Romans, Turks, Arabs . . . all have had their part to play in treading down Jerusalem, but each in turn has been judged by God over the last 1260 years, until 1917 when the tide suddenly turned and Jerusalem started into a time of restoration.)


   "So when you see the desolator coming, let those who live in Judea leave the district. Don't linger on the house-top to watch, and don't waste time packing. Leave your belongings and run!


   "It will be a difficult time for everyone, especially pregnant women, and hopefully, it won't happen during winter, or on a Sabbath." (Perhaps this last part was because many religious Jews would try to obstruct Christians from leaving, because they held that it was wrong to travel long distances on the Sabbath.)


   "And then will come a time of terrible troubles. It will be a catastrophe of tremendous proportions, unparalleled in history. (These words come from Dan.12:1, but the last part of the verse predicts great deliverance for the Jews, whereas when Jesus quotes it, he doesn't mention the deliverance part. Dan.12:1-3 is completed at the end of the Age.)


   "But, because God is merciful, the terrible judgements on Jerusalem will be short and quick - rather than long and drawn out. Otherwise not a single Jew would escape alive! But for the sake of the Jews and Christians, (Could be either), God will cut the judgement short, to spare them prolonged suffering."


   (Historically this is what happened : The battle of Jerusalem began in the month of April AD70 just before the Feast of Passover. Already 250,000 Jews had perished in the fighting which preceded this battle. Notwithstanding the troubled times, Jerusalem was as usual thronged by pilgrims and Josephus tells us the population was swelled to some 3,000,000 people.


   A reign of terror existed in the city. Different factions fought each other furiously. Eventually the extremists killed all who advocated surrender, including Matthais the High Priest and the members of the Sanhedrin.


   Bands of robbers from the country "crept into Jerusalem, which was now become a city without a governor" ( Josephus.) Three main factions now divided the city, each with its own fortified section, but not against the Romans - against each other.


   While Jew killed Jew and Roman, while the city was under bombardment by scorpions, catapults and ballistas, while the population suffered torments of thirst and hunger, famine and sickness, the sacrifices continued to be made in the Temple.


   The defences of the city were methodically reduced. After 143 days the siege was over. More than 1,000,000 Jews died in the slaughter. Tens of thousands were taken captive. The Temple worship ceased. The High Priesthood was destroyed.)


   "During the time between now and the fall of Jerusalem, there will be misguided fanatics coming along, claiming to be me. This will be a common occurrence. Some of these false Messiahs will do supernatural wonders, misleading the ignorant and playing on the emotions of gullible people. They will appear in towns and cities, or hide in specially built rooms, and sometimes they will live in isolation, trying to maintain an air of mystique.


   "Don't be fooled by these charlatans! Their version of me is weak and pathetic! When I come back no-one will miss the event. When I return I will come with a burst of bright, radiant light, shining across the sky like a brilliant sunrise! I will dazzle the whole world with my glory!


   "As the proverb goes : wherever there is corruption, there the vultures will gather." (What Jesus meant was that when he came back in glory, he would judge all sin and wickedness. No bad thing would escape his eye. The whole world-system would be judged, and fall, like a carcass to the ground, where the vultures of punishment would gather.)



24:29-31   The return of Christ


   Having taken the disciples through a summary of the next 70 years, Jesus jumped forward to a brief description of his return. The disciples probably didn't realise that there was a gap of about 2000 years between the fall of Jerusalem and the return of Christ. There are several examples of this sort of thing, for example Isaiah 9:6 where we are told that "a Child is born, and a Son is given, and the government shall be upon his shoulder" the jump between child, son, and King, all marked by a mere comma, actually represent many years.)


   "Immediately after those days of trouble for Jerusalem there will be a time of massive political unrest. The sun (the central ruling body) will be darkened (unable to rule), and the stars and moon will blink out (lower levels of government will fail) and the powers of heaven will be shaken (the spiritual powers behind the earthly ones will be in turmoil).


   "When I return, my coming will be marked by several things. Generally, all over the earth, people will be in distress, and worried, and nations will be in a state of political unrest. Many people will be afraid of the future because it will look frightening to them.(Luke 21:25-28)


   "But the most significant thing will be my glory, which will appear in heaven like a sign, to warn everyone that I am coming. And as I return, my glory will increase, and soon everyone on earth will know I have come back. People will wail and repent, and all the nations will change their ways.


   "When the Christians see this time, just prior to my return, let them be happy, and rejoice, because the time of full and complete redemption - the restoration of all things - is about to happen!"


   "I will come as a glorious, triumphant King, and millions of my angels will be with me. A sound like an enormous trumpet will reverberate around the world, and my angels will fly everywhere, gathering all the unsuitable people from the world - that is, people who are not willing to obey me, or fit into my kingdom plans."



24:32-35   The parable of the fig tree


   "Now, for the people living at the time just prior to my return, here is a simple way for them to understand what is happening. You know how a fig tree, when it is Springtime, begins to prepare itself for summer by first putting out leaves? There is no fruit on the fig tree at that stage, but you know that, given a little time, the fruit will begin to form?


   "That is how it will be at the time of my return in glory. The nation of the Jews   (the fig tree) will be re-established in their land, and there will be 'leaves', as the little nation begins to grow." (In 1948 the State of Israel was declared, and Jews finally had their own land again. Although the nation (fig tree) is still largely secular (leaves but no fruit) there is a gathering Christian momentum, which will culminate in a recognition by the Jews that Jesus is indeed their Messiah - see note on 23:37-39.)


   Now Jesus referred the disciples back to the things he had said about the fall of Jerusalem :


   "So, when you see the things I have predicted (the wars, the turmoil, the armies approaching Jerusalem, the desolator, the spread of the gospel, the coming of false Messiahs . . . ) you will know that the fall of the City and Temple is as close as someone about to come through a door.


   "Assuredly I tell you, the Jewish people living today will still be alive when it happens!


   "And if you doubt my word, just remember this : It is easier for me to make a mistake than for the universe to disappear!"



24:36-44   The day and hour


   "But regarding the time of my glorious return, you are not permitted to know the exact day or hour in which it will happen. You are allowed to know the season, because that will help you to be ready, but not even the angels know the precise moment of my return. That is a secret, which only I and my Father know about. (If people did know the exact moment, there would be quite a lot of confusion - gambling, snap-purchases, massive lay by, gifting of everything, daring stunts, fear, terror, suicides . . .)


    "One prevailing characteristic of the end of the Age will be indifference. Generally, most people in the world will be apathetic about my return in glory. They will be just like the people who were alive during Noah's life-time, when he was building the Ark. They saw the Ark taking shape, but none of them understood the significance of it. They carried on with their routine lives, eating, drinking, marrying, enjoying themselves, living for the day, 'business as usual', not interested in thinking too hard about the Big Questions . . .and not wanting to know about salvation until it was too late.


   "Right up to the last day, while the door of the Ark stood open, God waited for even just one person to take the message seriously and shelter in the Ark. But only Noah and his family believed God enough to obey Him. That is how it will be when I come in my glory. The invitation will have been sent out to the whole world, but not many people, compared to the whole population of the world, will want to be saved. (No world-wide revival.)


   "And the angels will be so fast, people will not be able to escape them. Just as the wicked world was taken away by water, and Noah was left, so the angels will whisk the wicked away, and leave the righteous behind.


   "And the angels will be accurate too. Even if two people are standing or sleeping close together, the wicked one will be taken, the the righteous one will remain behind.


   "So be always watchful and on guard. Live your Christian lives in godly fear, and keep yourselves ready for the Big Day.


   "You can think of it like this : imagine you own a house with lots of valuable things in it. If you neglect to make your house secure, burglars may come and plunder your house, taking many valuable things from it. In the same way, you have received many precious things - truth and understanding - so don't let anyone take these things from you. Guard the truth you have gained. Keep it secure in your hearts, and don't let a cult, or a false teacher spoil your Christian walk. (i.e. the Roman church robbed people of the truth and set up many false teachings which kept millions in bondage for centuries, JWs ruin the faith of gullible, trusting Christians, New Age teaching intrudes into Bible truth.)


   "So guard what you know, and keep walking in the light, because you never know when I may appear. You don't want me to come and find you indulging in some heresy do you?"



24:45-51   Faithful and unfaithful servants


   Jesus now moved on to the subject of preserving sound doctrine, and teaching it faithfully to others.


   "A faithful Christian is like a good servant, who has been promoted to a position of leadership by the Master of a house. This servant will look after those for whom he is responsible, making sure they get their food (correct Bible-based teaching) at the right time. When the Master comes to check on this servant, he will be very pleased, and promote the servant even further.


   "But an unfaithful Christian is like a useless servant, who starts with a promotion, but soon abuses it by withholding food (correct Bible-based teaching) from those for whom he is responsible. He may even abuse and take advantage of those over whom he is appointed. He may think that the Master is not coming back for a while, and go off to get himself drunk. (-false doctrine, heresy, mixing error with truth)


   "But one day the Master will come, and it will surprise the useless servant how angry his Master is! The servant thought he would get off with a warning, but let me tell you, it is a very serious thing to mess with God's Word! The Christian who deliberately mixes error with truth, and teaches this stuff to others, will not escape severe judgement!"

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