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Matthew Chapter Six

By Richard Gunther


6:1-4   Sincere giving


   Now I must explain something to you about motives. These are what lie behind everything you do, and there is no way you can hide them from God's all-seeing eyes. Your heavenly Father always knows why you do things, so there is no point in pretending you are one thing when you are really another. You may pretend to be kind, or generous, or caring, but God will know if you are sincere or not. There is no room for hypocrisy.


   So when you do some charitable deed, do it for God, not for people, that is, don't go looking for praise or rewards from people for what you do. I know this can be very difficult, because you have been brought up to expect praise from people, but Christians are not like that. They must forget about chasing the world's praise, and do things with God's praise in mind.


   Which means of course that you don't even have to be seen doing good deeds. Do them in secret. Do them with as little display as possible. Keep your head down and stay out of sight.


   On the other hand, you might be desperate for praise, in which case you will have to be a hypocrite, like some of those people who turn up in the streets and at the synagogues. They blow trumpets to draw attention to themselves! They shout. They talk loudly. They boast about their deeds. They make sure people see them when they are being helpful or generous.


   But there's a wonderful thing to consider - if you refuse to make a display of yourself when you are doing good deeds, your heavenly Father will come up with some suitable reward for you. He loves sincerity and obedience, and He will not miss anything you do for Him. One day you will receive an appropriate reward, and then you will be glad you didn't act like the hypocrites - who, by the way, have already receive everything they deserve.



6:5-14 Sincere praying


   Now that you understand how important it is to have the right motives behind everything you do, let us apply the same principle to prayer. A sincere prayer comes from the heart. It is no good if it is simply read from a book, or recited from memory, or used as some sort of religious display to impress other people. In the same was that doing good deeds in public for praise is a waste of time, so prayers made to impress other people are also a waste of time.


   A Christian, when he prays, ought to ask himself why he is praying. Is it because he wants to reach God? Is it because he needs to talk things over with his heavenly Father? If so, then the prayers come from a properly motivated heart. God loves sincere prayer, and He will always do something when He sees sincerity.


   So don't repeat religious phrases over and over, as if God will hear you if you wear Him down with pestering, or with a display of determined, prolonged, repetitious effort. Non-Christians do enough of this sort of thing already! Prayer wheels, Masses, Service Books and so on - it gets these people nowhere . . . God is not impressed by architecture, carvings, clothes, physical deprivation, self-immolation and so on. What He wants to see is a sincere, trusting heart, like that of a child, open to and dependent on Him.


   So as an example of a prayer on which you may build your own personal conversations with God, here is a general outline of the things you should include :

   Address your prayers to God your Father. This is the correct thing to do because He is the Sovereign Authority over the whole universe.


   Give honour and worship to your Father, because he is the source of all other authorities.


   Ask God to bring into force on His earth the wonderful righteousness and obedience which already exists in His heaven.


   Ask God to give to you each day a little more understanding of His Word. (And to provide for your other needs)


   Ask God to forgive you your sins - thoughts, words and deeds - because you are, after all, not perfect yet. And as you acknowledge that you are still sinners, forgive other people for what they do, because you and they are all the same - you all need to be forgiven.


   Ask God to help you through the trials of each day. You will not have the strength or wisdom in yourselves to survive these testing times which come to you (often simply because you are Christians,) but God can either make you strong enough to get through them, or show you a way to avoid them. (James 1:3, 1Pet.4:12,1Cor.10:13)


   Ask God to help you in the battle against Satan, who attacks from time to time, and in many different ways.


   Finish your prayers by remembering that, despite what the world may say, and despite how things may appear, God's kingdom is the only one which really matters. It will not crumble and fall, like so many others have already done (Assyria, Medo-Persia, Elam, Greece, Rome, etc) and the power of God will continue long after all others have failed. This is what makes God's kingdom rule so glorious!


   Now, a little note about forgiveness - your motivation when you forgive people should be that of sincerity. Like I said before, if you are not sincere, then you are indulging in hypocrisy. If you say you forgive someone, but in your heart you are just as bitter and unforgiving as ever, then how can God possibly forgive you your sins? Hypocrites have no place in God's family.



6:16-18   Sincere fasting


   A third main area in which sincerity is essential is that of fasting. Giving, praying, loving, doing good deeds, giving, worshipping, helping . . . they are all the same : you must be sincere in everything you do, and not pretend to be something you are not.


   So if you decide to abstain from food, or anything else, in order to aid your Christian life, don't make a show of it. For example, if you abstain from food, don't go around looking hungry. If you deny yourself some other pleasure, don't draw attention to it by telling people. If you really want to earn God's approval, seek Him with a sincere heart, and the result will be a very real response.



6:19-21   Treasures in heaven


   Now I must give you the Christian perspective in regard to material possessions. There are people who hoard, and gather, and store material things, because they think that the more they own, the more secure they will be. They base their confidence on their bank balance, and they measure their value by the wealth they have.


   But you know, the more you own, the more you have available to decay. Insects, rats, rust, mould, bacteria, fungi and all the natural elements gradually destroy everything. Inflation eats at money. Sunlight and moisture reduce a car or a computer to scrap. Old age and sickness bring the healthiest people to the grave. World trends can make or break a business over-night. There is no place on earth where thieves cannot get at, and no process which can reverse the downward movement of disintegration built into the present universe.


   So what should you set your heart on - the material things of this world, or the everlasting things of the coming kingdom of God?



6:22-23   Spiritual understanding


   Do you see what I am saying? Is your eye acting like a bright light, illuminating your reasoning, or are you refusing to listen to me?


   If you take what I am saying as true, and accept all the things I have been talking about into your life, you will be secure in your Christian walk. You will not hoard material things, or parade your good works in front of people, or act like a 'holy' person when you are not, or pray meaningless prayers, or love only the loveable people . . . but if you refuse to take to heart all these things, you will be like someone who is full of darkness.



6:24   Only one Master


   So now you have a clear choice. You can either go the way of the world, or my way. If you decide to be a whole-hearted Christian, and follow me, you will have to draw a clear line between yourself and the world, but if you decide the other way, you will have to draw a line between yourself and Christianity. Its really simple - like black and white. You cannot be worldy-minded, gathering material things for security, and still expect to be acceptable by God. Either God is your Master, or Money is. And conversely, you cannot be a spiritual-minded Christian, and still expect to be acceptable to the world.



6:25-34   The Christian lifestyle


   So how should you live? Laid-back. Relaxed. Care-free. Like little children, who don't have a problem in the world, because the food is always there on the table, and there's always plenty of hot water for baths, and there's always clean clothes, and a nice warm bed at night. They don't worry about bills, and stock-markets, and inflation, and job-security, and mortgages, and interest, and environmental degradation do they? They simply trust their parents and enjoy each day as it comes.


   Children don't worry about the future either. They are like little birds, which go out each day and find enough food to eat just growing around them. They don't think about depletion of stocks, or long-range weather forecasts, or planting for next year's provisions . . . not that these things aren't important for humans . . . its just that their attitude is that of oblivious unconcern.


   Can worrying change anything? Yes, but only for the worse. Worrying is not only a lack of faith in God's care, but it also has a detrimental effect on your health. Worrying cannot make you more attractive either.


   Take a lesson from the flowers : do they worry about how they look? Not a bit. God made them beautiful, or not so beautiful as He saw fit. In the same way, God made all the people in the world, making some more attractive than others. So it is not useful or productive to go about trying to alter what God has designed. Solomon himself, dressed in all his royal clothes, was nowhere near as good-looking as some of the flowers here on this hillside!


   So what should you do about the essential things of life? Trust God and work hard, (2Thess.3:10) and put Me first in your life. If you do this God promises to make sure you never lack anything you need. That is His contract with you.


   But the world would not agree with Me on this. The people of this world like to be self-reliant, and independent of God. They spend most of their lives thinking, and worrying about their bank balance, their latest house, their label clothing, their figure, their complexion, their new car, their position in society, their 'image' compared to others, and their diet.


   But let me put it to you - what might happen if you carried on like the people of this world? All your time and energy would be spent on providing for future needs, and you would never be free to work for Me. The trouble with the world's way is that people never know when the next market collapse, or rise in inflation, or catastrophe, or prolonged illness, or paralysing accident or unforeseen event may occur, so they never have enough saved or accumulated to ward off these possible events.


   So don't worry about the future. Live one day at a time and trust God for all the necessities of life - and work hard. Tomorrow never comes, so there's little point in imagining what might happen in it. Today is the only time you have.

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