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Matthew Chapter Eight

By Richard Gunther


8:1-4   Jesus demonstrates his power


   What follows, dear reader, is not an exhaustive or complete account of Jesus' ministry. That would be too bulky, and there would also be a point when too much evidence might bury the subject. So what I have done is pick out of all the many things which Jesus said and did, the most appropriate examples, sufficient to prove beyond question that he is who he claims to be - as the prophets of the Old Testament predicted. (For example Is.35:5,6)


   When you have gone through chapters 8 to 12 you will see the following qualities in Jesus : 1. He has absolute authority over all disease, demons, death and the elements of Nature, 2. He has supreme lordship over all his followers, 3. He is rejected by the nation of the Jews, just as the prophets of old said he would be, 4. He is accepted eagerly by many Gentiles - again, as the prophets of old said he would be. In the above four areas, Jesus is clearly seen as the one whom the Old Testament prophets described as the Messiah, and therefore he must be the King of Israel, and the Son of God.


   Jesus came back down from the crest of the hill, and as he walked through the crowds of people who had been waiting for him, they began to fall in behind. Now very popular, He was ready to begin the practical side of his work.


   A leprous man, dirty, and in rags, and twisted with the crippling disease, came to him, and kneeled down close to where Jesus was walking. When the people saw the leper they drew back, afraid to touch him, but the leper ignored them and called to Jesus.


   "Lord" said the leper, "If you want to heal me, I know you can do it."


   Jesus went over to the leper and placed his hand on the man. The crowd gasped in fright. It was extremely risky to touch a leper, because the disease was thought to be contagious.


   But Jesus wanted to show the people that he was immune from disease, and more - that he was able to reverse the effects.


   "I do want to heal you" said Jesus.


   Immediately the leper felt a power rushing trough his body. His bent joints began to move again, the dry, wrinkled patches of skin on his face became smooth, and the twisted limbs became supple and healthy. The leper examined himself, full of wonder and amazement.


   "Now" said Jesus, "I want you to go to the priest and have him verify that you are no longer a leper. (Lev. 14:4-6) Don't forget to make the offering which Moses prescribed, and don't go blabbing about this to everyone on the way!"


   The leper went off, overjoyed at his new body, but also obedient. Though he was bursting to tell everyone what had just happened, he managed to keep his mouth shut.



8:5-13    Jesus cures paralysis


   Jesus walked, with his large, interested crowd clustering close behind, as far as Capernaum, and as he entered the town and came down the street, a Roman military officer, a centurion (in charge of 100 men) came to him.


   "Please help me!" the centurion pleaded, "I have a servant at home who is paralysed! He was fine one minute, and then he just suddenly collapsed! We can't do a thing for him - he's in terrible pain! He . . ."


   "I'm on my way!" said Jesus.


   "No wait" said the centurion, "I understand your power . . . you are like me. I can give orders, and I can take them, from my superiors. I have authority over other men. You are the same. You have the authority to order sickness about. Just say the word and my servant will be healed!"


   Jesus was amazed. This centurion, a mere Gentile, had grasped something which most of the learned Jewish scholars had completely missed.


   (Of the two times Jesus was seen to marvel, the other time was when he came across Jewish unbelief - Mark 6:6)


   Jesus turned to the people around him, and his face showed great wonder.


   "You know" he said, "This Roman has more faith in me than most of the Israelites ever had, except for the outstanding ones, like Abraham, and Isaac and Jacob! In fact, this Roman is a taste of things to come. One day there will be thousands of people like him, all Gentiles, and all foreigners to the Covenants, but they will be inside the kingdom, and having a great time! 


   On the other hand, the people who should be there will be missing, yes, I'm talking about the Israelites. They have been given every opportunity to be God's kingdom people, but huge numbers of them will be turfed out. They will be miserable, and angry, and they will try to get in, but once the doors are shut, they stay shut."


   Then Jesus  turned to the centurion and smiled.


   "You can go no" he said, "You have acknowledged my authority over sickness, so I hereby grant you your request."


   The centurion saluted and walked away. When he reached his home, he found his servant up and about, with no trace of the illness. I have this on good account, thanks to several witnesses who verified this for me.



8:14,15   Peter's wife's mother


   Jesus continued to heal people for a while, until about lunch-time, by which hour he was feeling hungry, so he made his way across town and went into Peter's house. The crowd followed him all the way, then it stood respectfully outside on the street, talking and discussing things, and hoping to catch a glimpse of Jesus when he had eaten and come back out to them.


   There, on the couch, was Peter's wife's mother, suffering from a fever. Jesus went over to the poor woman and, reached down to her, took the woman's hand. It was hot, and limp, as the fever sapped the strength from her body, but Jesus released his power and healed her. Immediately she was well, and strong, and full of energy. She stood up, happy beyond expression, and ran to the kitchen cupboards to prepare a meal for her guests.



8:16,17   Healing all the people


   Jesus rested at Peter's place for the afternoon, then in the evening, he went out again and started to work more healing miracles. He also delivered many people who were possessed by demons - these were people who were controlled or influenced by evil sprits (fallen angels). Often they exhibited superhuman knowledge or power, or they were tormented with strange, horrible or frightening thoughts. Sometimes these people were considered insane, or mentally unbalanced, but Jesus knew which was which, and sorted them out accordingly. He told the evil spirits to go away, and they did, because he had the authority over them.


   But it was the physical healings which were most significant, because they identified Jesus as the Messiah. As the prophet Isaiah predicted - "The Messiah will be known by his ability to heal all kinds of sickness and disease." It is therefore the earthly healing ministry, and not the death on the cross, to which this verse applies.



8:18-22  Discipleship


   Jesus had complete authority over bacteria and viruses, all forms of disease and degeneration. He also had full control over evil spirits. But humans, with their free will, were able to resist and reject him. This is truly remarkable.


   This situation is illustrated by the following events :


   Jesus noticed that a huge crowd had gathered around him, and as it was growing darker by the minute, he decided to leave the area, and cross over the Sea of Galilee before the night fell completely. Accordingly, he told someone to prepare a boat and started to walk down the slope towards the water, but as he approached the beach, a scribe intercepted him politely.


   "I am willing to go all the way as one of your disciples . . ."


   "Oh really?" said Jesus, "Do you have any idea what that will cost? You'll be like a fox with no burrow; a bird with no nest. Everywhere you go the doors will shut, and the people you thought were your friends will become your enemies. I'm not welcome in this world you know, regardless of how it may appear to you at the moment, and you'll be the same if you identify with me - unwelcome."


   The scribe went away, subdued, and reconsidered his plans.


   Then, before Jesus could step into the boat, another would-be disciple said : "I'd like to follow you, but I have a funeral to go to. My father has died . . . but I'll be with you just as soon as I get back, OK Lord?"


   Jesus smiled. He knew a pathetic excuse when he heard one. When someone died, they were buried the same day, and all the friends and relatives stayed in the house for the day, so the man was pretending.


   "If you really wanted to follow me" said Jesus, "You'd stay right here! The people of this world are already dead anyway, spiritually, so let them have their funeral. Your father was dead before he died!"



8:23-27   Jesus commands the natural elements


   After these two interruptions, Jesus finally got into a small fishing boat, with his hand-picked disciples, and began to move away from the shore. The people on the beach watched sadly as the boat sailed away (eastward), then they turned and headed home.


   But not long after disembarking, one of those sudden, violent storms, for which the Sea of Galilee is known, came roaring down the Jordan valley, whipping the water into a churning mass of white-topped waves. Jesus had gone down below, and had found a bed below deck where he had fallen asleep. He was exhausted.


   Meanwhile, above deck, the storm gathered in strength. It was also complicated by an earthquake, which helped to throw large waves over the sides, threatening to swamp the boat. The disciples were frightened, and decided that any second they would be drowned, so they ran to the cabins and shook Jesus roughly.


   "Wake up!" they shouted, "We're dying!"


   Jesus looked at them in disgust.


   "Scared are you?" he said, "Like a bunch of silly rabbits! I thought you had a bit more faith in me that that!"


   The disciples averted their eyes, feeling ashamed, and Jesus pushed past them, leaving them to think about what they had done. He strode across the deck, facing the stinging rain, and bracing himself against the wind.


   "Stop!" he shouted angrily.


   Instantly the wind died and the clouds began to dissipate. Stars began to appear in a clear sky and the Sea fell silent. Only the gentle lapping of tiny waves against the sides of the boat could be heard.


   The disciples crept guiltily on to the deck. In the gathering darkness they could see the figure of Jesus, standing on the deck. He was looking at them.


   "Who is he?" they whispered, "What is he? What's going on? He controls the wind and the sea! What kind of power are we dealing with here?"



8:28-34   Two demon-possessed men


   The journey across the lake was over, and Jesus stepped ashore, with his disciples, subdued and awestruck, close behind. Jesus had hardly walked off the wet stones of the beach when two demoniacs came to meet him. These two men were usually violent cases of demon-possession, in fact, they were so fierce they had made it dangerous for people to pass through that area. They lived in the cemetery and they attacked and robbed anyone who was foolish (or unlucky enough) to pass that way.


   Undeterred by their appearance, Jesus continued to walk towards them. As soon as the demons inside the men saw Jesus, they started to speak, using the men's vocal chords.


   "We know who you are!" they shouted, "You're Jesus! You're the Son of God! Why have you come here? Are you going to destroy us ahead of time?"


   The demons knew that, at some time in the future, God was going to call every one of them to His throne, and sentence them to everlasting destruction.


   Jesus didn't answer. He looked about him, scanning the hills, until he spotted a large herd of pigs. They were oblivious to the drama not far from them, being content to fossick amongst the roots for food.


   The demons saw where Jesus was looking and screamed desperately.


   "Send us into those pigs!" they shouted.


   "Go on then" said Jesus.


   The demons streamed out of the two men like smoke out of a chimney, then they raced across the ground and dived into the pigs. The pigs reacted violently, screaming with discomfort and shrieking wildly. They began to stampede blindly down the slope, whipped up into a terrified panic, and fell in their hundreds off the edge of the land, and down into the water. After a minute or two the last of the pigs had thrashed itself to death and drowned.


   You see, demons prefer to inhabit bodies, human or otherwise, and their whole purpose in life is to destroy whatever God has made. If Jesus had simply cast the demons out, and left them disembodied, they would have gone looking for other people to inhabit, so he sent them into animals. What happened to the demons after that we are not told.


   Not far from where the pigs had been grazing were some herdsmen, who, when they saw the demoniacs delivered, and the pigs running madly into the Sea, went back to the village and reported the matter. Soon a small crowd of people was on its way to meet Jesus, but instead of being thrilled at the way two men had been set free from demons, they were more concerned about their missing pigs!


   "Go away!" they shouted, "Leave us alone!"


   Those people missed the whole point of what Jesus was doing. They couldn't see that human life is far more valuable and precious than any amount of material possessions- be it pigs or ponies. They preferred to have it this way : a herd of pigs, and a couple of wild, miserable men living in their local cemetery. (Just like today . . . people don't mind a bit of Christianity around, provided there aren't any radical changes, or personal demands, or challenges to the status quo)

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