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Science and the Bible (Part 1)

By Richard Gunther


The following is a sampling of some of the marvels of God’s Word. I have tried to keep to plain statements, and bring in simple science as it is currently understood, but science is an ever-changing thing so eventually there will be room for editing. The Bible however never changes, and whatever it says will always be correct.


   Some of the verses have been ‘stretched’ in meaning. I have ‘drawn a long bow’ here and there. Readers, I hope, will forgive these examples and look for the truth within the items, making up their own minds.



When Adam sinned, God’s warning that he would die began to come true. In Hebrew, the expression “you shall die” means “dying you shall die” – in other words, a process of dying was to begin.


Science has found that death is a process which begins at conception. Within every cell, at the end of the DNA are small pieces called telemeres. At each division of the cell a telemere is lost. Eventually all the telemeres are gone and the cell dies. “Dying you shall die’ is literally fulfilled.



Gen.2:1 The heavens and the earth were finished.


There is a fundamental Law known to science which says that energy cannot be destroyed or created. In other words the universe as we know it contains exactly the same amount of energy at all times. In other words, it is “finished”.



Gen.3:2 The woman spoke to God


One of the most outstanding differences between humans and animals is their ability to use a spoken language to communicate.



Gen.1:29 All life on earth was to live off plants.


It is a well-established fact that all life on Earth exists either because of plants or because of things that live on plants. In fact, it is a good puzzle to ask someone to name a food which does not come directly or indirectly from plant life. (The only exception might be “manna” the bread from heaven)



Gen. 3:10 Guilt causes fear and a desire to hide. (“men's hearts failing them for fear . . .”Luke 21:26.


It has been shown many times that fear causes harmful substances to circulate in the body, causing what are known as ‘psychosomatic’ illnesses. Many people today work on resolving fear without dealing with the guilt which feeds it. The best way to health in the heart is repentance – once the guilt from sin is gone, fear goes with it and with the fear all the psychosomatic problems.



Gen. 5:3 Adam lived 930 years. Conditions then were at their optimum for health. In his day the climate was such that ultraviolet exposure was low (due to the water canopy), the nutritional value of foods was extremely high, Adam’s life was pleasurable and free of modern stresses, and his exercise was moderate due to the mild climate and abundance of food. He also ate far more plant material than animal meat.


There is talk today of extending life spans. Some of the means to do this are: to reduce ultraviolet exposure, because this tends to age the skin, to increase nutritional contents in foods, to provide more rest and pleasure, to provide regular, sensible exercise, and to reduce animal meat (containing fat and impurities)



Gen.10:5  God created all the distinct, separate languages.


It was long held by science that all the languages in the world had common origins, but gradually this assumption has been abandoned. While some words have a common root, almost all distinct language groups are completely different from each other in many ways.



Gen.4:20 Musical instruments were invented and constructed from metal right from the start of human civilization


Over the years assumptions about Man’s past have been repeatedly reviewed and revised as more discoveries throw current theories into doubt. It was long held that Man began primitive and gradually improved, but discoveries contradict this. Now it is being acknowledged by many that Man’s ingenuity did not progress from primitive to sophisticated gradually over thousands of years, but arose suddenly and fell back (devolved) many times. Man has in fact degenerated.



Gen.19:24 God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah and the three other cities.


On the eastern edge of the Dead Sea are the remains of five cities, which, despite their location and the presence of fresh water, lie in ruins.



Matthew 6:27  “Which of you by taking thought can add one cubit unto his stature?”


It is true that some people can alter their bodies by “taking thought” – they may cause a rash to appear, or bring on an asthma attack, or slow their heart, cause sweat to form, even make their hair go white . . . but no-one can make themselves larger or taller by thinking.



Gen. 7:19 The Earth was once covered completely by flood waters.


There is a growing number of scientists in different fields who are realizing that the only mechanism which could have formed such things as the Grand Canyon, the enormous fossil beds and many other geological features . . . was a world-wide cataclysmic flood.



Genesis 2:7  And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground,


Now that modern science is able to break material substances down to their basic constituents, it has been found that all matter consists of a limited number of “elements” which are common to all living and non-living things. In other words, Man is made of exactly the same things as soil.



1 Thessalonians 5:23  And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.


Holistic medicine is aimed at taking in not just the body, but all other factors which might contribute to a person’s well-being. In other words, modern science is just now beginning to recognize the importance of spirit, soul and body.



Proverbs 23:7  For as he thinks in his heart, so is he . . . .


The power of positive thinking. This multi-million dollar business has taken the “Christ” out of positive confession and twisted it into the shape of a commercial product.



Gen.49:4 “unstable as water”


Water is a fantastic thing. It forms solid, gas and liquid depending on slight temperature changes. It expands at freezing point. It splits into hydrogen and oxygen at a high temperature. It combines with just about everything. It fills the atmosphere with tiny drops, yet it can thunder down and carry millions of tons of rock and mud. In its liquid state it is always moving. Drop some dye into water and the molecules will carry the dye everywhere. At the atomic level water is crystalline, forming crystal shapes thousands of times a second – too fast for the human eye to see.



Ex.1:16 “birthing stools”


In the West most woman are told to lie on their backs when giving birth. However, a new school of thought is bring back the ‘stand up’ or ‘sitting’ methods, letting gravity help. Birthing stools were an efficient method thousands of years ago – now being recognized again.



Exodus 18:21  Moreover you shall provide out of all the people able men, such as fear God, men of truth, hating covetousness; and place such over them, to be rulers of thousands, and rulers of hundreds, rulers of fifties, and rulers of tens:


There are many forms of administration in the world. After centuries of experiment, the best form of government has been found to be the above.



Ex.20 the Ten Commandments. No amendments, no prior code from which it is drawn. No faulty rules now defunct. No need for an eleventh.


After many attempts to think up a better code, many scientists have acknowledged the perfect balance and quality of the Ten.



The land is to be rested every seventh year.


A NZ farmer was interviewed on TV some years ago. He had tried the land rest system and found that, contrary to what the ‘experts’ predicted, his soil had regenerated remarkably when it was given a rest every seventh year. Despite the lack of top dressing, the humus had recovered and the soil depth remained constant.



Ex.22:31 Never eat meat from animals found dead in the wild.


Before modern science identified bacteria, God made provision for humans by banning possibly diseased animals. As most sickness is carried by the blood, it was a wise precaution to avoid animals which had not been correctly drained of blood.



Lev. 7:19 Do not eat meat which has touched an “unclean thing” (See above)

Lev.7:22-27  Do not eat fat or blood.


Most health experts today caution us from eating animal fat. It can clog the body with too much cholesterol. Cooking oils are recommended. Blood is also risky as it can contain many impurities. I heard a Vet on Radio Rhema saying that cats which are fed liver regularly always get arthritis. Liver is filled with blood.



Lev. 12. Childbirth rules. Bullinger says “This ordinance was not on account of any disparity between the sexes, but was in order to regulate them, so that the birth rate of females might not be in excess, as it otherwise would have been, and is, in countries where this ordinance is not known or observed.”


Some demographers are recognizing the need for some sort of control but usually they have no idea that God has already given us a way to balance the proportion of men to women in a nation.



From Genesis to Revelation, history rolls along in a straight line. Creation, the flood, Babel, Abraham, Israel, the division, the cross, the Dark Ages, the Reformation, the return of the Jews and the return of Christ. The Bible also predicts the rise and fall of a succession of empires, in sequence.


Some scientists deny any form or structure to history, but there are some who are realizing that there is a trend, or pattern to everything.



One of the great principles of the Law of God is “restorative justice”, which ensures that victims of crime are repaid by the offender.


Western law is gradually changing from retributive justice to restorative justice as experts are discovering the value of making the offender face the offended and restore or help the offended party. Reconciliation helps prevent further crime. (See John Consadine’s book ‘Restorative Justice’)



Deut. 6:4-9 God commanded Israelites to surround themselves with the Law – day and night, eating, resting, walking, talking, reading . . . . it was God’s method of getting the Law into the hearts.


Today there are several learning methods, which are proving very effective. One of them, called ‘the Yamaha method’ is designed to speed up the learning of a musical instrument (piano). The learner must listen to the music, have it playing constantly, day and night, when they are resting, walking, talking . . .



Deut.10:14 “the heavens and the highest heavens”


Long before the Hubble Space Telescope was launched, the Bible described the heavens as 1. The heavens, and 2. The highest heavens (plural). Today we know that there are vast reaches in space, with galaxies, and clusters of galaxies, and super clusters . . . the “highest heavens”.



Deut.22:6,7. The principle of conservation. Take the eggs but leave the mother.


Scientists today are urging people to care for animals because many of them are declining in number. If this law in Deut. Had been followed there would still be dodos, moa and a huge number of other now hunted-to-extinction species.



2 Sam.22:6 “channels of the sea”


Matthew Maury, oceanographer and hydrographer read about the “paths of the seas” in Psalm 8:8 and went looking for them. He discovered the ocean currents and helped ships speed up their passage across the oceans.



Job 28:25  To make the weight for the winds; and he weighs the waters by measure.


Long before it was recognized that the air had weight, the Bible said that it did. It also tells us that the water has weight – but the fact that the Earth is covered by so much water, means that the effects of the sun and moon’s gravity are balanced perfectly. The energy is dissipated in the water – the weight of the water is precisely measured.



Ecc.1:6 The turning of the winds. (Also see Ecc.1:6)


Modern science has confirmed that the air around the planet turns in huge circles, clockwise in one hemisphere and anticlockwise in the other.



1Kings 7:15,16 The casting of the two massive bronze pillars is described.


Today there are no known techniques whereby such a large amount of bronze can be poured into such huge casts. This indicates that, in this case, technology has gone backwards since the days of Solomon.



2 Kings 20:7 A fig poultice was placed on king Hezekiah to help in his cure.


Today orthodox medicine is beginning to concede that some ‘natural’ remedies, such as poultices, really do work just as effectively as ‘modern’ medicines.



1 Chron.16:15 “the word which He commanded to a thousand generations”. This may be just a poetic expression, but it is interesting to note that not even 100 generations have passed since Abraham. By setting the limit at 1000 the writer included our present generation.


Many people today think that the word of God is ancient history, but God says 1000 generations, which includes all people living today.



Job 9:9 “the chambers of the south”. Bullinger says “The hidden recesses of that latitude, the invisible spaces”.


Outer space is now known to contain huge expanses of nothing. The structure of the universe has been likened to a sponge, or a mass of bubbles, with the galaxies forming the skin of the bubbles. Consequently there are utterly astounding spaces between the galaxy clusters.



The greatness of God is compared to the height of heaven. Logically, heaven must be infinite because if it were not, then God would not be.


Modern astronomy has found that the further we look, the more there is. The universe is infinite.



Job 26:8 “He binds up the waters in His thick clouds, and it is not rent under them”


The average thunderstorm contains about 100,000 tons of water. Imagine, 100,000 tons of water floating about in the sky! All that water just sits there, without crashing down, or rending the cloud.



Job 26:8 It (the Earth) is turn as clay to the seal” The illusion is to the curved seal which was rolled across the clay to leave an impression. By using this expression the writer relays the idea that the earth turns.


Modern science teaches that the Earth spins on its axis.



Heb.11:3 “the things which are seen were not made of things which do appear”


Modern science has revealed that ‘invisible’ things called atoms and subatomic particles are the basis on which all visible things are built.



Job 26:7 “He . . . hangs the Earth upon nothing”


It was not until modern science was able to see the Earth floating in space that the Bible was shown to be absolutely true. The speed at which the Earth orbits the sun, and the gravity which holds it in place are so finely balanced that Earth stays almost exactly where God set it, millennium after millennium.



Job 38:16 “the springs of the sea”. (Also Prov.8:28)


Modern deep sea diving cameras have discovered amazing hot-water vents on the floor of the oceans. These thermal vents release huge amounts of mineral rich super-heated water – springs in the darkness.



Job 38:24 “light is parted” as in a prism.


Isaac Newton studied light and discovered that white light is made of seven colours, which can be “parted” from the white, and then recombined to make white again.



Job 38:31 “Can you bind the sweet influences of Pleiades, or loose the bands of Orion?” Here reference is made to some very distant constellations – thought by most people to be too far away to have any effect on our planet.


Modern science has confirmed that Pleiades is a remarkable point in the solar system, like the center of a gigantic wheel (so I have read). But even more remarkable is the fact that now scientists agree on the all-pervasive power of gravity. Anything with mass affects, even in unimaginably tiny ways, everything else in the universe. Gravity has an effect through all things, and over all distances. The “bands” of Orion cannot be loosed, because gravity is a force which no human can shake off or defeat.



Job 40,41. In these two chapters are what appear to be clear descriptions of dinosaurs. There were dinosaurs on Noah’s Ark, and they populated the planet as they moved away from the Ark. For different reasons the dinosaurs died out along with many other creatures (i.e. sabre tooth tigers, mammoths, giant dragonflies, etc) but some people were still eye-witnesses to them.


Most scientists totally deny the possibility that Man and dinosaurs were contemporaries, mainly because of the Theory of Evolution, but there is mounting evidence that Man and dinosaurs lived together. Legends, cave drawings, inscriptions in stone, and so on are gradually challenging the assumptions, and some scientists are beginning to change their minds.



Psalms 7:15  He made a pit, and digged it, and is fallen into the ditch which he made.


It is remarkable how ‘natural justice’ operates. Time and time again the perpetrators of evil acts become the victims of their own crimes. For example, the inventor of the guillotine was the first person to be killed by it. But in the broader sense, the most satisfying story is where the ‘villain’ gets his ‘just desserts’ – for example when the emperor in Star Wars dies, or when Prince John in Robin Hood loses all his money and throne to the returned king Richard. People crave a ‘happy ending’ because that is the hard wiring of the whole universe. Evil is always defeated, good always triumphs in the end.


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